Led by:
Prof. Nils Reiss
Dr Maike Altesellmeier
Dr. Sportwiss. Meike Hannig
Stephanie Mommertz
Anita Nitters-Daske
Dr Thomas Schmidt
Horst Stuhr
For patients, returning to everyday life and restoring an acceptable quality of life is a crucial priority. Achieving adequate physical performanceand good, functional capacity is therefore of great importance to them. Often, however, this performance is limited significantly by their underlying heart disease.
The aim of the research focus is to investigate whether and to what extent the parameters of physical performance can be improved by interventions on the heart (e.g. heart transplantation, LVAD, CRT or MitraClip implantations) or by drug therapies. Using established but also innovative examination methods, the haemodynamic effects of various interventions in particular are examined and evaluated at our facility. As a consequence, individual concepts and recommendations can be developed for the different patient populations on how to increase resilience in the long-term course through targeted training.
Research projects:
• Performance and haemodynamics after heart transplantation
• Performance and haemodynamics after LVAD
• Functional capacity after MitraClip
• Health check-up examinations