Nowadays, many patients’ fear of pain after operations is no longer justified. Medicine now knows better medicines that can be administered and controlled more precisely thanks to modern monitoring options.

When choosing a hospital, a professional pain management concept for patients can be a decisive factor in that choice. The primary goal of introducing a pain concept is to achieve the maximum possible reduction in pain bei with minimal side effects throughout the entire treatment process.


In order to minimise pain after a procedure, we start pain management as soon as we admit our patients. A special pain history is taken during the medical admission. Here we ask about existing pain syndromes and their previous treatment. Even before the operation, the patient is informed about the measures and options of pain therapy. This enables us to determine a pain therapy concept tailored to the patient in question and thus to act effectively after the operation without unnecessary loss of time.



On the days following the operation, the patient receives personalised medication for pain therapy, which effectively combats post-operative pain. With the help of a pre-determined pain therapy concept, pain peaks can be prevented and side effects minimised. If necessary, this therapy is supported by drug-free procedures, such as physiotherapy or physical measures.

In order to prevent pain from occurring in the first place, our patients are also asked several times a day by the nursing staff about their degree of pain. These regular pain assessments ensure that the medication dosage is ideally adapted to the actual pain.

Our structured pain management programme is thus designed to relieve our patients’ fear of severe pain after surgery. This should speed up your recovery and make you feel better overall.

Specially qualified anaesthetists provide an acute pain service and are available to advise all medical colleagues. Acute pain management at the Schüchtermann-Klinik is certified by the TÜV’s “Pain-free clinic” initiative.

"They will only find people in this place who will speak to them in a friendly manner, greet them in the hallway, speak to them in a friendly manner during a treatment, speak to them calmly during a procedure. Who give you the feeling of being among friendly and always competent people."

- Hanna L., Cardiac surgery patient

"Very good appointment coordination of the announced examinations and treatments. Very professional treatment and care during the stay."

- Gerhard R., cardiology patient

"Administration as well as the staff on the ward and the attending physicians very friendly. The clarification very comprehensive and not under time pressure."

- Ludger P., cardiology patient

"The staff always responds to all concerns and needs in an extremely friendly and, in my eyes, very competent manner."

- Kerstin S., cardiology patient

"The examinations were carried out quickly and very professionally, professionally and personally I was in good hands at all times. I can absolutely recommend this clinic from my experience."

- Sigrid F., cardiology patient