The nursing servicere

presents the largest professional group at the Schüchtermann-Klinik and has themost frequent and intensive contact with our patients. The satisfaction and well-being of our patients therefore depends to a large extent on how empathetic and personal this care is. High-performance medicine only becomes holistic and humane when the patient is not reduced to his or her disorder, but is rather seen as a whole and treated accordingly. Our nursing service is happy to be measured against this claim.

Human competence

alone, however is not enough to provide excellent care services. In a highly technical medical environment, nursing qualifications are a key factor for success. For us, this means using only professionally qualified and appropriately (professionally) certified nursing staff. Our nursing service has extensiveadditional qualificationsand is continuously trained.


Nursing care at the Schüchtermann-Klinik is provided according to a defined nursing process which defines individual nursing goals for each patient and determines nursing measures. The nursing process at the Schüchtermann-Klinik starts with the admission of the patient and includes in detail:

  • Nursing history on admission
  • Determination of care goals
  • Planning of nursing care measures
  • Basic and treatment nursing care
  • Nursing documentation
  • Evaluation of the success of nursing care
  • Nursing transition at discharge

One of the Schüchtermann-Klinik’s essential general nursing objectives is to restore the patient’s independence and autonomy as quickly as possible. Working closely with the hospital’s therapeutic services, empowering nursing care helps to mobilise the patient quickly and thus avoid complications.

In order to achieve a uniformly high quality of care in the course of the nursing process, the nursing measures are defined and documented as nursing standards. The internal nursing standards, which are developed and implemented by our nursing standards group, are based, among other things, on the nationally valid nursing expert standards of the DNQP (German Network for Quality Development in Nursing).

"They will only find people in this place who will speak to them in a friendly manner, greet them in the hallway, speak to them in a friendly manner during a treatment, speak to them calmly during a procedure. Who give you the feeling of being among friendly and always competent people."

- Hanna L., Cardiac surgery patient

"Very good appointment coordination of the announced examinations and treatments. Very professional treatment and care during the stay."

- Gerhard R., cardiology patient

"Administration as well as the staff on the ward and the attending physicians very friendly. The clarification very comprehensive and not under time pressure."

- Ludger P., cardiology patient

"The staff always responds to all concerns and needs in an extremely friendly and, in my eyes, very competent manner."

- Kerstin S., cardiology patient

"The examinations were carried out quickly and very professionally, professionally and personally I was in good hands at all times. I can absolutely recommend this clinic from my experience."

- Sigrid F., cardiology patient