Transfusion medicine

Closely linked to the support of surgical procedures is transfusion medicine, which also falls under the responsibility of the department of anaesthesia. Its task is to stock and provide blood products of the highest quality in sufficient quantities. Blood group serologyand immuno-haematology examinations are carried out by this 24-hour service.

The specialist physician responsible for transfusion is responsible for and organises the entire transfusion system. Each medical department has a transfusion officer who advises the wards on transfusion medicine issues. A transfusion quality officer continuously monitors compliance with thehigh quality requirements of transfusion medicine.


In order to have to administer as little foreign blood as possible to our patients during the course of treatment, various blood-saving procedures are used at the Schüchtermann-Klinik:

  • Low-blood-loss surgical techniques
  • “Blood dilution” immediately before the operation (haemodilution)
  • Use of blood preparation methods (cell savers)
  • Preoperative administration of haematopoietic hormones

Thanks to these techniques and a more cautious approach for blood administration, we administer fewer units of foreign blood to our patients on average than the national average for heart operations. However, if blood products are required, we prefer autologous blood units that are as compatible as possible.



If foreign blood or special blood components (e.g. platelet concentrate) nevertheless have to be given, the Schüchtermann-Klinik uses only blood products that are superior in quality to conventional preparations due to the removal of the white blood cells. In close cooperation with the German Red Cross blood donation service in Springe and the hospital pharmacy of the Franziskus-Hospital Harderberg, we keep all the blood products we need in stock so that they are available quickly and in high quality when needed.

All transfusion medicine procedures used at the Schüchtermann-Klinik are regulated and documented in a comprehensive quality management manual for haemotherapy.

"They will only find people in this place who will speak to them in a friendly manner, greet them in the hallway, speak to them in a friendly manner during a treatment, speak to them calmly during a procedure. Who give you the feeling of being among friendly and always competent people."

- Hanna L., Cardiac surgery patient

"Very good appointment coordination of the announced examinations and treatments. Very professional treatment and care during the stay."

- Gerhard R., cardiology patient

"Administration as well as the staff on the ward and the attending physicians very friendly. The clarification very comprehensive and not under time pressure."

- Ludger P., cardiology patient

"The staff always responds to all concerns and needs in an extremely friendly and, in my eyes, very competent manner."

- Kerstin S., cardiology patient

"The examinations were carried out quickly and very professionally, professionally and personally I was in good hands at all times. I can absolutely recommend this clinic from my experience."

- Sigrid F., cardiology patient