In order to fulfil these principles of our quality policy, we developed a classical quality management system in 1999 which was first certified according to DIN ISO 9001 two years later.
The main goal of quality management was and is patient-focused process optimisation.
In order to fulfil these principles of our quality policy, we developed a classical quality management system in 1999 which was first certified according to DIN ISO 9001 two years later. The main goal of quality management was and is patient-focused process optimisation. However, in order to organise all of the hospital’s processes in the best interests of the patients, a dense network of medical and organisational control and improvement measures is required. Countless legal and other normative requirements also have to be implemented. In recent years, the once discrete quality management system has been developed into an Integrated Management System (IMS).
In order to be able to meet all quality and organisational requirements, the IMS combines the following aspects in addition to the classic topics of quality management and quality assurance:
- risk and incident management
- pain management
- hygiene management
- health and safety management
- Conflict and integration management
- Environmental protection management
As a learning organisation that recognises mistakes in order to avoid them in the future, we are self-critical and subject ourselves to numerous external audits. Certification is a procedure used to verify compliance with defined standards. Certifications are always carried out by impartial external bodies; this ensures independence and neutrality.
In annual audits external health experts of the TÜV Rhineland check the processes in the Schüchtermann-Klinik, among others on the basis of the international standard DIN EN ISO 9001. The Schüchtermann-Klinik has been certified according to this standard since 2001. As one of the first cardiac centres in Germany, the Schüchtermann-Klinik was able to achieve certification of all clinical and non-clinical areas.
We have obtained further certificates in the following areas:
In the area of inpatient rehabilitation, certification according to the DEGEMED procedure, which extends the requirements of the ISO standard to include rehabilitation-specific quality criteria, was successfully completed in 2012. The rehabilitation area also demonstrates the high quality standards within the framework of a certification procedure of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Prävention und Rehabilitation von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen e. V. (German Society for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Cardiovascular Diseases) (DGPR).
The quality of our food supply is distinguished within the framework of an external certification by the RAL-GÜTEZEICHEN Kompetenz richtig Essen, specification Speisenvielfalt und Diäten.
With this award certificate, our house is subject to an objective control of our services in the area of high-quality food offers. This award documents our nutritional competence towards the table guests.
In addition, the Schüchtermann-Klinik has passed the hygiene test of the veterinary service for the city and district of Osnabrück according to the smiley system with distinction. In order to receive a smiley from the official food inspection, 27 different criteria are examined, including the structural and hygienic condition of the premises, hygienic behaviour in handling food and compliance with food law regulations. Every business is inspected comprehensively and unannounced by the official food inspection.
Pain Management
Under the motto “Determined against pain”, the Schüchtermann-Klinik is one of the few German clinics that has been able to implement all of the
clinics that have been able to implement all the requirements of the “Pain-Free Clinic Initiative”. The acute pain management of the Schüchtermann-Klinik has been TÜV-certified since 2008.
The CHEST PAIN UNIT, our admission ward for patients with unclear chest complaints, has been certified as a “Chest Pain Unit – DGK certified” since 2011. This distinction is awarded by the German Society for Cardiology – Cardiovascular Research (DGK) and, in addition to the spatial and equipment requirements, also takes into account the therapeutic strategies in the CPU and the level of training of the staff.
Certification as a supraregional Heart Failure Unit (HFU) was granted by the German Society for Cardiology – Cardiovascular Research (DGK) and the German Society for Thoracic, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery (DGTHG). The experts were particularly impressed by the “outstanding structural and equipment infrastructure” and the “excellently trained staff”. This enables optimal and prompt care of patients with heart failure, i.e. cardiac insufficiency, around the clock. Another special feature highlighted was the direct transfer of patients from the acute to the rehabilitation area of the clinic.
The Schüchtermann-Klinik is certified as a mitral valve centre by the German Society for Cardiology.
The Schüchtermann-Klinik has been awarded as a quality partner of the PKV by the Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V. (Association of Private Health Insurers).
Further information can be found in our structured quality report.